Before officially launching the Crude Chronicles, I had the pleasure of meeting Bill Austin from Daniel Energy Partners (DEP). It feels only fitting that my first podcast appearance is with Bill and the DEP team, where we delve into energy macro trends, OFS cycles, and much more.
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Daniel Energy Partners, based in Houston, Texas, provides a wide range of services to the oilfield services industry. These include research, consulting and advisory services, conferences and networking events, supply chain management, business development, and operational support. For more information, feel free to reach out to Bill Austin at or visit their website
The In Basin Observations podcast was launched to complement their boots-on-the-ground research and to educate the audience about emerging technologies in the traditional energy sector. The goal is to provide listeners with new and unique insights through concise conversations that are rich in content yet easily digestible for any audience. Some industry leaders have even featured the podcast on their websites to help educate customers about these emerging technologies.
-Rob Connors, CFA, CPA
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